Friday, February 5, 2010

A Journalist's Medium: Beware

This vessel, this little blog, which holds some of my most personal thoughts and analogies paired with my ramblings of inane randomness of things that pop into my mind, is only to serve as a means of creative thought for someone such as me who is a writing major. I plan on going into journalism, which overflows with a plethora of smartass and cynical writers that seemingly ramble in ways that are clearly portrayed and well thought out. That's what I hope to do with this. So in short, if anything were to ever spark a moment of controversy to whomever may happen across this, keep in mind that even if it happens to be you, not in name of course, because I have enough tact to keep names of people out of my negative posts, I expect no reaction from anyone, as I am a journalist, this is my blog, and I'll write what I please.

Along with that note, however, remember that I am a journalist. Investigating is what comes naturally, and it's something at which I'm talented. If you think I don't know, chances are I do, whether or not I found out from someone else or read it from people in general. I know a lot more than I let on, and don't ever underestimate me. I may even know facts about things that you think are secure and sound. This is not a threat, no, never. I'm very sweet and nice in all actuality. However, I'm just asking that you don't underestimate me in any thought.

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